Dror Baron - Publications

Some of my older slides are best viewed using texpoint.

  1. D. Baron, "Fast Parallel Algorithms for Universal Lossless Source Coding," Ph.D. dissertation, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, February 2003 (ps, pdf, ppt).
  2. D. Baron, "Multiple Working Points and Multislot-Message Coding in Multichannel ALOHA with Deadlines," M.Sc. thesis, Electrical Engineering Department, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa Israel, August 1999 (combines English and Hebrew; ps, pdf).

Student Dissertations
  1. Yanting Ma, Solving Large-Scale Inverse Problems via Approximate Message Passing and Optimization (Ph.D. 2017; Dissertation).
  2. Ryan Pilgrim, Source Coding Optimization for Distributed Average Consensus (M.Sc. 2017; dissertation, arxiv, slides).
  3. Junan Zhu, Statistical Physics and Information Theory Perspectives on Linear Inverse Problems (Ph,D, 2016; dissertation).
  4. Jin Tan, Fast and Robust Compressive Signal Reconstruction via Approximate Message Passing and Denoising (M.S. 2012; Ph.D. 2015; dissertation).

  1. D. Baron, Y. Ma, J. Zhu, "Approximate message passing with universal denoising," US Patent 10,140,249, issued November 2018.
  2. D. Baron, J. Tan, and Y. Ma, "Compressive imaging using approximate message passing with denoising," US Patent 9,607,362, issued March 2017.
  3. R. G. Baraniuk, D. Baron, M. F. Duarte, K. F. Kelly, C. C. Lane, J. N. Laska, D. Thakar, and M. B. Wakin, "Method and Apparatus for Compressive Imaging Device," US Patent 8,848,091, issued September 2014.
  4. R. G. Baraniuk, D. Baron, M. A. Davenport, M. F. Duarte, M. Elnozahi, J. N. Laska, Y. Massoud, S. Kirolos, T. Ragheb, J. A. Tropp, and M. B. Wakin, "Method and Apparatus for On-Line Compressed Sensing," US Patent 8,687,689, issued April 2014.
  5. R. G. Baraniuk, D. Baron, M. F. Duarte, I. N. Goodman, D. H. Johnson, K. F. Kelly, C. C. Lane, J. N. Laska, D. Takhar, and M. B. Wakin, "Method and Apparatus for Compressive Imaging Device," US Patent 8,199,244, issued June 12, 2012.
  6. R. G. Baraniuk, D. Baron, M. F. Duarte, S. Sarvotham, M. B. Wakin, and M. Davenport, "Method and Apparatus for Distributed Compressed Sensing," US Patent 7,511,643, issued 31 March 2009.
  7. R. G. Baraniuk, D. Baron, M. F. Duarte, S. Sarvotham, M. B. Wakin, and M. Davenport, "Method and Apparatus for Distributed Compressed Sensing," US Patent 7,271,747, issued 18 September 2007.

Journal publications
  1. S.-J. Cao R. Goenka, C.-W. Wong, A. Rajwade, and D. Baron, "Group Testing with Side Information via Generalized Approximate Message Passing," to appear in IEEE. Trans. Signal Proc., June 2023 (arxiv).
  2. H. Liu, C. Rush, and D. Baron, "Rigorous State Evolution Analysis for Approximate Message Passing with Side Information," to appear in IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, November 2022 (arxiv).
  3. Y. Ma, C. Rush, and D. Baron, "Analysis of Approximate Message Passing with Non-Separable Denoisers and Markov Random Field Priors," to appear in IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, August 2019 (arxiv).
  4. A. Ma, Y. Zhou, C. Rush, D. Baron, and D. Needell, "An Approximate Message Passing Framework for Side Information," IEEE Trans. Signal Proc., vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 1875-1888, Apr. 2019 (arxiv).
  5. J. Zhu and D. Baron, "Performance Limits with Additive Error Metrics in Noisy Multi-Measurement Vector Problems," IEEE Trans. Signal Proc., vol. 66, no. 20, pp. 5338-5348, Oct. 2018 (arxiv).
  6. J. Zhu, D. Baron, and F. Krzakala, "Performance Limits for Noisy Multi-Measurement Vector Problems," to appear in IEEE Trans. Signal Process. (pdf, arxiv), January 2017.
  7. Y. Ma, J. Zhu, and D. Baron, "Approximate Message Passing Algorithm with Universal Denoising and Gaussian Mixture Learning," IEEE Trans. Signal Proc., vol. 64, no. 21, pp. 5611-5622, Nov. 2016 (pdf, arxiv, tutorial video).
  8. J. Tan, Y. Ma, H. Rueda, D. Baron, and G. Arce, "Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging via Approximate Message Passing," IEEE J. Sel. Topics Signal Process, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 389-401, March 2016. (pdf, arxiv, tutorial video).
  9. H. J. Trussell and D. Baron "Creating Analytic Online Homework for Digital Signal Processing," IEEE Signal Proc. Mag., vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 112-118, Sept. 2015 (pdf).
  10. N. Krishnan and D. Baron, "A Universal Parallel Two-Pass MDL Context Tree Compression Algorithm," IEEE J. Sel. Topics Signal Process., vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1-8, June 2015 (pdf, arxiv, tutorial video).
  11. J. Tan, Y. Ma, and D. Baron, "Compressive Imaging via Approximate Message Passing with Image Denoising," IEEE Trans. Signal Proc., vol. 63, no. 8, pp. 2085-2092, April 2015 (pdf, arxiv, tutorial video).
  12. J. Zhu, D. Baron, and M. F. Duarte, "Recovery from Linear Measurements with Complexity-Matching Universal Signal Estimation," IEEE Trans. Signal Proc., vol. 63, no. 6, pp. 1512-1527, March 2015 (arxiv, pdf, Matlab, tutorial video).
  13. Y. Ma, D. Baron, and D. Needell, "Two-Part Reconstruction with Noisy-Sudocodes," IEEE Trans. Signal Proc., vol. 62, no. 23, pp. 6323-6334, December 2014 (pdf, arxiv, software).
  14. J. Tan, D. Baron, and L. Dai, "Wiener Filters in Gaussian Mixture Signal Estimation with l∞-Norm Error," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 60, no. 10, pp. 6626-6635, October 2014 (pdf, arxiv).
  15. J. Tan, D. Carmon, and D. Baron, "Signal Estimation with Additive Error Metrics in Compressed Sensing," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 150-158, January 2014 (pdf, arxiv, software, tutorial video).
  16. M. F. Duarte, M. B. Wakin, D. Baron, S. Sarvotham, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Measurement Bounds for Sparse Signal Ensembles via Graphical Models," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 59, no. 7, pp. 4280-4289, July 2013 (pdf, talk from 2011 AMS Southeastern Section Meeting).
  17. D. Baron and T. Jacob. "Variable Length Compression of Codeword Indices for Lossy Compression," IEEE Signal Process. Let., vol. 19, no. 12, pp.849-852, December 2012 (pdf).
  18. D. Baron and T. Weissman, "An MCMC Approach to Universal Lossy Compression of Analog Sources", IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 60, no. 10, pp. 5230-5240, October 2012 (pdf, Matlab code).
  19. D. Bickson, D. Baron, A. Ihler, H. Avissar, and D. Dolev, "Fault Identification via Non-parametric Belief Propagation," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 2602-2613, June 2011 (pdf, slides, Matlab code, Nuite Blanche blog discussion).
  20. D. Baron, S. Sarvotham, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Bayesian Compressive Sensing via Belief Propagation," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 269-280, January 2010 (pdf, Matlab code, Nuit Blanche blog entry).
  21. V. Chandrasekaran, M. B. Wakin, D. Baron, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Representation and Compression of Multi-Dimensional Piecewise Functions Using Surflets," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 374-400, January 2009 (pdf, ppt).
  22. D. Baron and R. G. Baraniuk ''Faster Sequential Universal Coding via Block Partitioning," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 52 , No. 4 , pp. 1708-1710, April 2006 (pdf).
  23. D. Baron and Y. Bresler, "Anti-Sequential Suffix Sorting for BWT-Based Data Compression," IEEE Trans. Computers, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 385-397, April 2005 (pdf).
  24. D. Baron and Y. Bresler, "An O(N) Semi-Predictive Universal Encoder via the BWT," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 50 , No. 5 , pp. 928-937, May 2004 (pdf).
  25. D. Baron and Y. Birk, "Coding Schemes for Multislot Messages in Multichannel ALOHA with Deadlines," IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 292-301, April 2002 (ps, pdf).
  26. D. Baron and Y. Birk, "Multiple Working Points in Multichannel ALOHA with Deadlines," Wireless Networks, vol. 8, issue 1, pp. 5-11, January 2002 (ps, pdf).
  27. D. Baron and A. C. Singer, "On the Cost of Worst-Case Coding Length Constraints," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 47, no.7, pp. 3088-3090, November 2001 (ps, pdf).

  1. Compressed sensing using belief propagation.
  2. Fault identification.
  3. Universal lossy compression.
  4. Universal compressed sensing.
  5. Arbitrary error metrics.
  6. Noisy-sudocodes.

Conference publications and presentations
  1. P. Kashyap, A. Deroo, D. Baron, C.-W. Wong, T. Wu, P. D. Franzon, "High-Speed Receiver Transient Modeling with Generative Adversarial Networks," Microelectronics Design and Test Symposium (MDTS), May 2024 (pdf).
  2. D. Baron, H. P. Patil, and H. Zhou, "Maximum Likelihood Quantum Error Mitigation for Algorithms with a Single Correct Output," presented at Inf. Theory Applications Workshop, San Diego, CA, February 2024 (arxiv, slides).
  3. P. Kashyap, P. P. Ravichandiran, L. Wang, D. Baron, C.-W. Wong, T. Wu, and P. Franzon, "Thermal Estimation for 3D-ICs through Generative Networks," IEEE Int. 3D Systems Integration Conf., 2023.
  4. K. Yue, R. Jin, C.-W. Wong, D. Baron, and H. Dai, "Gradient obfuscation gives a false sense of security in federated learning," USENIX Security Symposium, August 2023 (arxiv, slides).
  5. M. Abdelkhalek, D. Baron, and C.-W. Wong, "Mismatched Estimation in the Distance Geometry Problem," Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems, Computers, November 2022 (arxiv, video of presentation).
  6. K. Yue, R. Jin, R. Pilgrim, C.-W. Wong, D. Baron, and H. Dai, "Neural Tangent Kernel Empowered Federated Learning," Int. Conf. Machine Learning, Baltimore, MD, June 2022 (arxiv).
  7. P. Kashyap, Y. Choi, S. Dey, C.-W. Wong, D. Baron, C. Cheng, T. Wu, and P. D. Franzon, "Modeling of Adaptive Receiver Performance Generative Adversarial Networks," IEEE Electrical Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), San Diego, June 2022 (pdf).
  8. P. Kashyap, W. S. Pitts, D. Baron, C.-W. Wong, T. Wu, and P. D. Franzon, "High Speed Receiver Modeling Using Generative Adversarial Networks," IEEE 30th Conf. Electrical Perf. Electronic Packaging & Systems (EPEPS), Oct. 2021 (pdf).
  9. Y. Ma, M. Kang, J. Silverstein, and D. Baron, "Local Convergence of an AMP Variant to the LASSO Solution in Finite Dimensions," Proc. Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT), Melbourne, Australia, July 2021 (arxiv).
  10. R. Goenka, S. Cao, C.-W. Wong, A. Rajwade, and D. Baron, "Contact Tracing Enhances the Efficiency of COVID-19 Group Testing," to appear in Conf. Inf. Sciences & Systems (CISS), March 2021.

  11. R. Goenka, S. Cao, C.-W. Wong, A. Rajwade, and D. Baron, "Contact Tracing Enhances the Efficiency of COVID-19 Group Testing," to appear in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Process. (ICASSP), June 2021 (pdf, arxiv).
  12. D. Baron, C. Rush, and Y. Yapici, "mmWave Channel Estimation via Approximate Message Passing with Side Information," IEEE SPAWC, May 2020 (arxiv, slides).
  13. C. K. Anjinappa, Y. Zhou, Y. Yapici, D. Baron, and I. Guvenc, "Channel Estimation in mmWave Hybrid MIMO System via Off-Grid Dirichlet Kernels," in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2019, Waikoloa, HI, Dec. 2019 (arxiv).
  14. H. Liu, Y. Zhou, A. Beirami, and D. Baron, "Nonlinear Function Estimation with Empirical Bayes and Approximate Message Passing," Proc. 57th Allerton Conf. Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, September 2019 (pdf, slides, arxiv).
  15. H. Liu, C. Rush, and D. Baron, "An Analysis of State Evolution for Approximate Message Passing with Side Information" Proc. Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT), Paris, France, July 2019 (pdf, full version, arxiv, slides).
  16. H. Liu, C. Rush, and D. Baron, "State Evolution Analysis of Approximate Message Passing with Side Information," Conf. Inf. Sciences & Systems (CISS), Baltimore, MD, March 2019 (slides).
  17. C. Rush and D. Baron, "Signal Reconstruction with Side Information," presented at Inf. Theory Applications Workshop, San Diego, CA, February 2018 (slides).
  18. D. Baron, A. Ma, D. Needell, C. Rush, and T. Woolf, "Conditional Approximate Message Passing with Side Information," Proc. Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2017 (pdf).
  19. R. Pilgrim, J. Zhu, D. Baron, and W. Bajwa, "Generalized Geometric Programming for Rate Allocation in Consensus," Proc. 52d Allerton Conf. Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, Oct. 2017 (pdf).
  20. Y. Ma, C. Rush, and D. Baron, "Analysis of Approximate Message Passing with a Class of Non-Separable Denoisers," Proc. Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT), Aachen, Germany, June 2017 (arxiv).
  21. J. Zhu, R. Pilgrim, D. Baron, "An Overview of Multi-Processor Approximate Message Passing," to appear in Proc. 51st Annual Conf. Inf. Sciences and Systems (CISS2017), Baltimore, MD, March 2017 (pdf, arxiv).
  22. Y. Ma, Y. M. Lu, and D. Baron, "Multiprocessor Approximate Message Passing with Column-Wise Partitioning," to appear in Proc. Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Process. (ICASSP2017), New Orleans, LA, March 2017 (arxiv, poster).
  23. J. Zhu, A. Beirami, and D. Baron, "Performance Trade-Offs in Multi-Processor Approximate Message Passing," IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT), Barcelona, Spain, July 2016 (pdf, slides, arxiv).
  24. P. Han, J. Zhu, R. Niu, and D. Baron, "Multi-Processor Approximate Message Passing Using Lossy Compression," Proc. Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Process. (ICASSP2016), Shanghai, China, March 2016 (pdf, arxiv, poster).
  25. J. Zhu, P. Han, R. Niu, A. Beirami, and D. Baron, "Large-Scale Multi-Processor Approximate Message Passing with Lossy Compression," presented at Inf. Theory Applications Workshop, San Diego, CA, February 2016 (slides).
  26. J. Tan, Y. Ma, H. Rueda, D. Baron, and G. Arce, "Approximate Message Passing in Coded Aperture Snapshot Spectral Imaging," Proc. IEEE Global Conf. Signal Inf. Process., Orlando, FL, Dec. 2015 (pdf, talk, arxiv).
  27. R. Fayez, J. Young, J. Tan, Y. Ma, and D. Baron, "Image Reconstriction in Radio Astronomy," Duke Workshop on Sensing and Analysis of High-Dimensional Data, Durham, NC, July 2015 (poster; no paper).
  28. Y. Ma, J. Zhu, and D. Baron, "Universal Denoising in Approximate Message Passing," Duke Workshop on Sensing and Analysis of High-Dimensional Data, Durham, NC, July 2015 (poster; no paper).
  29. Y. Ma, D. Baron, and A. Beirami, "Mismatched Estimation in Large Linear Systems," Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory, Hong Kong, June 2015 (pdf, talk, arxiv).
  30. Y. Ma, J. Zhu, and D. Baron, "Universal Denoising and Approximate Message Passing," presented at Inf. Theory Applications Workshop, San Diego, CA, February 2015 (talk).
  31. N. Krishnan and D. Baron, "Performance of Parallel Two-Pass MDL Context Tree Algorithm," Proc. IEEE Global Conf. Signal Inf. Process., Atlanta, GA, December 2014 (pdf, poster).
  32. J. Tan, Y. Ma, and D. Baron, "Compressive Imaging via Approximate Message Passing with Wavelet-Based Image Denoising," Proc. IEEE Global Conf. Signal Inf. Process., Atlanta, GA, December 2014 (pdf, talk).
  33. Y. Ma, J. Zhu, and D. Baron, "Compressed Sensing via Universal Denoising and Approximate Message Passing," Proc. 52d Allerton Conf. Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, October 2014 (pdf, talk, arxiv).
  34. J. Zhu, D. Baron, and M. F. Duarte, "Complexity-Adaptive Universal Signal Estimation for Compressed Sensing," IEEE Stat. Signal Process. Workshop, Gold Coast, Australia, June 2014 (pdf, poster).
  35. N. Krishnan, D. Baron, and M. K. Mihcak, "A Parallel Two-Pass MDL Context Tree Algorithm for Universal Source Coding," IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory, Honolulu, HI, June 2014 (pdf, arxiv).
  36. J. Tan, D. Baron, and L. Dai, "Signal Estimation with Low Infinity-Norm Error by Minimizing the Mean p-Norm Error," Conf. Inf. Sciences Systems, Princeton, NJ, March 2014 (pdf, slides).
  37. Y. Ma, J. Tan, N. Krishnan, and D. Baron, "Signal Estimation with Mixtures," Inf. Theory Applications Workshop, San Diego, CA, February 2014 (talk, related arxiv technical report).
  38. Y. Ma, D. Baron, and D. Needell, "Two-Part Reconstruction in Compressed Sensing," IEEE Global Conf. Signal Inf. Process., Austin, TX, December 2013 (arxiv, pdf, poster).
  39. J. Zhu and D. Baron, "Performance Regions in Compressed Sensing from Noisy Measurements," Conf. Inf. Sciences Systems, Baltimore, MD, March 2013 (pdf, talk).
  40. J. Tan and D. Baron, "Signal Reconstruction in Linear Mixing Systems with Different Error Metrics," Inf. Theory Applications Workshop, San Diego, CA, February 2013 ( pdf, arxiv, full talk [140MB]; talk without videos [3.7MB]).
  41. J. Tan, D. Carmon, and D. Baron, "Optimal Estimation with Arbitrary Error Metrics in Compressed Sensing," IEEE Stat. Signal Process. Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI, August 2012 (pdf, software).
  42. D. Baron and M. Duarte, "Universal MAP Signal Estimation from Random Projections," Inf. Theory Applications Workshop, San Diego, February 2012 (talk).
  43. D. Baron and M. Duarte, "Universal MAP Estimation in Compressed Sensing," Proc. 49th Allerton Conf. Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, September 2011 (pdf, talk, software, Nuit Blanche blog entry).
  44. D. Baron, "Information complexity and estimation," Fourth Workshop Inf. Theoretic Methods Science Eng. (WITMSE 2011), Helsinki, Finland, August 2011 (pdf, arxiv, talk).
  45. D. Baron and T. Weissman, "An MCMC Approach to Lossy Compression of Continuous Sources," Proc. Data Compression Conf., March 2010 (pdf).
  46. D. Guo, D. Baron, and S. Shamai, "Single-letter Characterization of Signal Estimation from Linear Measurements" ITA Workshop, Fabruary 2010, (pdf of talk; no paper).
  47. D. Guo, D. Baron, and S. Shamai, "A Single-letter Characterization of Optimal Noisy Compressed Sensing," Proc. 47th Allerton Conf. Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, September 2009 (ppt, pdf, Nuit Blanche blog entry).
  48. Y. Rachlin and D. Baron, "The Secrecy of Compressive Sensing Measurements," Proc. 46th Allerton Conf. Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, September 2008 (pdf, ppt).
  49. M. F. Duarte, S. Sarvotham, D. Baron, M. B. Wakin, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Performance Limits for Jointly Sparse Signals via Graphical Models," Proc. Sensor, Signal Inf. Process. Workshop (SenSIP), Sedona, AZ, May 2008 (pdf, poster).
  50. S. Kirolos, J. N. Laska, M. B. Wakin, M. F. Duarte, D. Baron, T. Ragheb, Y. Massoud, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Analog-to-Information Conversion via Random Demodulation," Proc. IEEE Dallas Circuits Systems Workshop (DCAS), Dallas, TX, October 2006 (pdf).
  51. M. B. Wakin, J. N. Laska, M. F. Duarte, D. Baron, S. Sarvotham, D. Takhar, K. F. Kelly, and R. G. Baraniuk, "An Architecture for Compressive Imaging", Proc. Int. Conf. Image Process. (ICIP), Atlanta, GA, October 2006 (pdf).
  52. S. Sarvotham, D. Baron, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Measurements vs. Bits: Compressed Sensing meets Information Theory," Proc. 44th Allerton Conf. Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, September 2006 (talk, pdf).
  53. S. Sarvotham, D. Baron, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Sudocodes - Fast Measurement and Reconstruction of Sparse Signals," 2006 IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT2006), Seattle, WA, July 2006 (pdf).
  54. M. B. Wakin, J. N. Laska, M. F. Duarte, D. Baron, S. Sarvotham, D. Takhar, K. F. Kelly, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Compressive Imaging for Video Representation and Coding", Proc. Picture Coding Symp. (PCS), Beijing, China, May 2006 (pdf).
  55. J. A. Tropp, M. B. Wakin, M. F. Duarte, D. Baron, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Random Filters for Compressive Sampling and Reconstruction," Proc. Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Process. (ICASSP2006), Tolouse, France, 2006 (pdf).
  56. M. F. Duarte, M. B. Wakin, D. Baron, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Universal Distributed Sensing via Random Projections," Proc. Symp. Inf. Process. Sensor Networks (IPSN2006), Nashville, TN, April 2006 (pdf).
  57. D. Baron, S. Sarvotham, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Coding vs. Packet Retransmission over Noisy Channels," Proc. 40th Annual Conf. Inf. Sciences and Systems (CISS2006), Princeton, NJ, March 2006 (pdf).
  58. D. Takhar, J. N. Laska, M. B. Wakin, M. F. Duarte, D. Baron, S. Sarvotham, K. F. Kelly, and R. G. Baraniuk, "A New Compressive Imaging Camera Architecture using Optical-Domain Compression," SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Jose, CA, pp. 43-52, January 2006 (pdf).
  59. M. B. Wakin, S. Sarvotham, M. F. Duarte, D. Baron, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Recovery of Jointly Sparse Signals from Few Random Projections," Workshop Neural Inf. Process. Systems, Vancouver, Canada, December 2005 (pdf).
  60. M. F. Duarte, S. Sarvotham, M. B. Wakin, D. Baron, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Joint Sparsity Models for Distributed Compressed Sensing," Online Proc. Workshop Signal Process. with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations (SPARS), Rennes, France, November 2005.
  61. M. F. Duarte, S. Sarvotham, D. Baron, M. B. Wakin, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Distributed Compressed Sensing of Jointly Sparse Signals," Proc. 39th Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, November 2005 (pdf).
  62. S. Sarvotham, D. Baron, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Variable-Rate Universal Slepian-Wolf Coding with Feedback," Proc. 39th Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, November 2005 (pdf).
  63. D. Baron, M. F. Duarte, S. Sarvotham, M. B. Wakin, and R. G. Baraniuk, "An Information-Theoretic Approach to Distributed Compressed Sensing," Proc. 43d Allerton Conf. Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, September 2005 (pdf).
  64. S. Sarvotham, D. Baron, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Variable-Rate Coding with Feedback for Universal Communication Systems," Proc. 43d Allerton Conf. Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, September 2005 (pdf).
  65. S. Sarvotham, D. Baron, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Non-Asymptotic Performance of Symmetric Slepian-Wolf Coding," Proc. 39th Annual Conf. Inf. Sciences and Systems (CISS2005), Baltimore, MD, March 2005 (pdf).
  66. D. Baron, M. A. Khojastepour, and R. G. Baraniuk, "How Quickly Can We Approach Channel Capacity?," Proc. 38th Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, November 2004 (pdf).
  67. D. Baron, M. A. Khojastepour, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Redundancy Rates of Slepian-Wolf Coding," Proc. 42d Allerton Conf. Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, September 2004 (pdf).
  68. V. Chandrasekaran, M. B. Wakin, D. Baron, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Surflets: A Sparse Representation for Multidimensional Functions Containing Smooth Discontinuities," 2004 IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT2004), Chicago, IL, June 2004 (pdf).
  69. D. Baron, A. C. Singer, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Probability Assignments with Worst-Case Coding Length Constraints," Proc. 38th Annual Conf. Inf. Sciences and Systems (CISS2004), Princeton, NJ, March 2004 (pdf).
  70. V. Chandrasekaran, M. B. Wakin, D. Baron, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Compression of Higher Dimensional Functions Containing Smooth Discontinuities," Proc. 38th Annual Conf. Inf. Sciences and Systems (CISS2004), Princeton, NJ, March 2004 (pdf).
  71. D. Baron, Y. Bresler, and M. K. Mihcak, "Two-Part Codes with Low Worst-Case Redundancies for Distributed Compression of Bernoulli Sequences," Proc. 37th Annual Conf. Inf. Sciences and Systems (CISS2003), Baltimore, MD, March 2003 (ps, pdf).
  72. D. Baron and Y. Bresler, "Linear Complexity MDL Universal Coding with the BWT," presented at the recent results session at the IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT 2001), Washington, DC, June 2001.
  73. D. Baron and Y. Bresler, "Tree Source Identification with the Burrows Wheeler Transform," Proc. 34th Annual Conf. Inf. Sciences and Systems (CISS 2000), Princeton, NJ, vol. 2, pp. FA1-10-FA1-15, March 2000. (ps, pdf).
  74. D. Baron and Y. Birk, "On the use of Multiple Working Points in Multichannel ALOHA with Deadlines," Proc. 37th Allerton Conf. Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello IL, pp. 728-737, September 1999. (ps, pdf).

Technical reports
  1. F. Khan, N. M. Linke, A. T. Than, D. Baron, "Quantum Advantage in Trading: A Game-Theoretic Approach," preprint, Jan. 2025 (pdf).
  2. A. Majumdar, B. N. Bakalov, D. Baron, and Y. Liu, "Implementing Finite Impulse Response Filters on Quantum Computers" Jan. 2025 (arxiv, pdf).
  3. M. Abdelkhalek, D. Baron, and C.-W. Wong, "Mismatched Estimation in the Distance Geometry Problem," June 2022 (arxiv).
  4. K. Yue, R. Jin, R. Pilgrim, C.-W. Wong, D. Baron, and H. Dai, "Neural Tangent Kernel Empowered Federated Learning," submitted, Oct. 2021 (arxiv).
  5. J. Zhu, K. Rivera, and D. Baron, "Noisy Pooled PCR for Virus Testing," (arxiv, biorxiv, medrxiv), April 2020.
  6. H. Liu, C. Rush, and D. Baron, "Rigorous State Evolution Analysis for Approximate Message Passing with Side Information," March 2020 (arvix).
  7. H. Liu, C. Rush, and D. Baron, "An Analysis of State Evolution for Approximate Message Passing with Side Information" (pdf, arxiv), January 2019.
  8. Y. Ma, J. Tan, N. Krishnan, and D. Baron, "Empirical Bayes and Full Bayes for Signal Estimation," arXiv:1405.2113v1, May 2014 (pdf, arxiv).
  9. M. F. Duarte, S. Sarvotham, M. B. Wakin, D. Baron, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Theoretical Performace Limits for Jointly Sparse Signals via Graphical Models," Technical Report ECE-0802, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Rice University, July 2008 (pdf).
  10. D. Baron, M. B. Wakin, M. F. Duarte, S. Sarvotham, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Distributed Compressed Sensing," Technical Report ECE-0612, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Rice University, December 2006 (pdf). Note that this is the original submitted version of the journal paper.
  11. S. Sarvotham, D. Baron, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Compressed Sensing Reconstruction via Belief Propagation," Technical Report ECE-0601, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Rice University, July 2006 (pdf).
  12. S. Sarvotham, M. B. Wakin, D. Baron, M. F. Duarte, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Analysis of the DCS One-Stage Greedy Algorithm for Common Sparse Supports," Technical Report ECE-05-03, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Rice University, October 2005 (pdf).
  13. V. Chandrasekaran, M. B. Wakin, D. Baron, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Compressing Piecewise Smooth Multidimensional Functions Using Surflets: Rate-Distortion Analysis," Technical report, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Rice University, March 2004 (pdf).
  14. D. Baron and Y. Birk, "Multiround Coding and Coding-Reservation for Multislot Messages in Multichannel ALOHA with Deadlines," Technical report EE Pub 1293, also CCIT Report 359, Electrical Engineering Department, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa Israel, October 2001 (ps, pdf). This is a revised version of TR 1241/307. The paper in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications is an abridged version of this technical report.
  15. D. Baron and Y. Bresler, "Linear Complexity MDL Universal Coding with the BWT," Technical report UILU-ENG-01-2213, Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois, June 2001.
  16. D. Baron and Y. Birk, "On the merits of impure multi-copy schemes for multi-channel slotted ALOHA with deadlines," Technical report EE Pub 1249, also CCIT Report 315, Electrical Engineering Department, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa Israel, June 2000 (ps, pdf). This report studies impure (non-deterministic) policies in multicopy ALOHA; the results obtained are not appealing.
  17. Y. Birk and D. Baron, "Capacity Maximization in Multichannel Slotted ALOHA with Deadlines - an Overview," Technical report EE Pub 1248, also CCIT Report 314, Electrical Engineering Department, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa Israel, June 2000 (ps, pdf). This is a brief overview of my work with Yitzhak Birk.
  18. D. Baron and Y. Birk, "Coding Schemes for Multislot Messages in Multichannel ALOHA with Deadlines," Technical report EE Pub 1241, also CCIT Report 307, Electrical Engineering Department, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa Israel, February 2000 (ps, pdf). This version of the paper was originally submitted to the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, which later moved the paper to Wireless Networks.
  19. D. Baron and Y. Birk, "Multiple Working Points in Multichannel ALOHA with Deadlines," Technical report EE Pub 1240, also CCIT Report 306, Electrical Engineering Department, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa Israel, January 2000 (ps, pdf). This version of the paper was originally submitted to Wireless Networks.

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